How do I diversify my funder sources?
(And other Frequently Asked Questions)
Ah, the $64,000 question. If you need help with getting a broader funding base, the reasons could range from unclear organizational or program priorities, to inexperience with different kinds of fundraising, such as annual appeals, to the need for more participation from your board. Depending on what the challenges are, you may want to consider conducting an analysis of your fundraising efforts, board training on fundraising best practices, or strategic planning.
Why Do I need a Strategic Plan?
Strategic plans give confidence to
prospective funders and other external partners that you have carefully
considered what your goals are and
have developed a long-term blueprint
for how to get there. Your organization
is a proactive, not reactive one.
Nonprofits engage in strategic planning for a host of reasons—perhaps the leadership of an organization wants to grow capacity, consider a new program or strategy, or is struggling with change—a loss of funding, a change in the needs of the people the organization serves, or a favorite program is no longer relevant. All of these are good reasons to plan into the future in a big picture way. But that still doesn’t explain what benefits you get from a strategic plan.
My board is micromanaging me or not doing enough—what do I do?
Many people who join boards are not sure what they are supposed to do as board members besides attend meetings. It could be that the organization needs policies or orientation for its board or it could mean that the board is being engaged in the details of the work versus the strategic direction of the organization. Either way, educating the board is a must—this could be done in the form of a training session on board best practices, development of an orientation manual, or development of an agreement that outlines the organization’s expectations that each board member must sign.
Effective & Knowledgeable
"Laura is an effective fundraiser
and she has extensive knowledge
of nonprofit management and the community development field.
Our brainstorming sessions
have provided me with a great sounding board."
Allison Hughes, Executive Director
Homeownership Counseling Association of Delaware Valley